Monday, March 26, 2012

Waiting for an acceptance/rejection letter...

"The waiting is the hardest part"
Tom Petty spoke from the heart
Time is passing much too slow
Will I be able to get to go?

Dartmouth and Princeton are the goal
The stress and wait have taken their toll
Acceptance or denial, which will it be?
Are either of the schools made for me?

Thursday is when I'll hear back
If I'm lucky, I can begin to pack
The Ivy League, among the great
Could it possibly be my fate?

These final hours will not go fast
I don't know how I'll last
Either way life will go on
even if that hope is gone

It matters not
I'll still live
forget the whole lot
Eighteen years of prep...the most I could give


  1. Cody, I really liked the progression of this poem. I, as well as most people, can sympathize with the fact that "the waiting is the hardest part". What's good is that by the end of your poem, you make sure to state "It matters not, I'll still live". I respect and agree with this realistic view on the matter, and I believe that this mindset can be applied to most, if not all other matters in life as well. This is not to say that the achievement of goals is to be forgotten, just that it should not be depended on.
    Best of luck to you. Knowing you, I know you've done all you could have academically to be accepted anywhere. No matter where you go, you will thrive and succeed.

  2. File this poem away somewhere. You'll be glad to look back on it someday ...after college.
